Saturday, January 30, 2010

Funny Little Annabelle

I always find myself cracking up at what Annabelle says, but then forget exactly what she said when I go to tell Josh. So I've started writing down more of her little quotes. Here are a few of her recent ones.....My favorites are the ones where her grammar is a little off!

"Whoa! Mommy, you scared Annabelle."

"Gotta go sharpen later colors."
(You see this grammar problem!?!)

"Wanna myself get somethin' eat."
(One of my favorites!)

"You have a nice shower mommy?"

"Let's drive mommy's car to Hayley's house."

"Ok, Dora paint Spongebob's toenails."
(Where does she come up with these things!)

"Javi pooped in his diaper. Baby sister poops in diapers. Annabelle poops in the potty. And mommy poops in the potty."
(Thanks for clearing that up, sis!)


Montana Brandts said...

She is so cute! I have been thinking for weeks that I need to do another "In the Words of Kailey" segment, and as I was reading yours I was laughing so hard because Kailey has the same grammar issues! They are so funny, thank you for sharing all her funny things... It made my day!!

Montana Brandts said...

Oh by the way I LOVE the new blog look! And, all your adorable family pics.! You guys are such a cute family!

Jenny said...

Love the kid quotes.