Monday, March 26, 2012


Annabelle is getting so close to being done with treatment! She has been feeling great the last few weeks and we're praying she will finish things out strong.

Four treatments left.
Three left!
That's where we are at right now. She had 1 night inpatient last week and will have an outpatient treatment later this week and that will wrap up cycle 15! She is scheduled to start the next cycle after Easter and that will be her last 5 day treatment of VP16 and Ifofsamide.

This is what we really do in the hospital. Annabelle spends lots of time riding the bike up and down the hallways while I chase behind with the IV pole. I've been told it's really quite entertaining!
Lately when she is all worn out from riding the bike, she likes me to push her (and the IV pole) while we go "exploring" around the hospital.
Hospital beds double as slides on days when she is feeling good.

Annabelle always enjoys entertaining the nurses with dance moves.
And just in case you're wondering, Layla is still getting cuter every day!
Oh how I love my girls!!!


Unknown said...

It is true you have two very adorable little girls.

Anonymous said...

OMG! They are so grown up! I can't wait for all three of my girls to be home again! That will make me do a happy dance. Love, Auntie Penn

Brooke said...

Wahoo! So glad things are going well. I've been thinking about your family a lot and praying for you. My older brother is going through Chemo right now and every little prayer for him includes your family.